For the convenience to our BPI certified professionals, EETCKC has uploaded page 286 from Saturn Resource Management’s “Residential Energy” 5th Edition. This page was not added to their latest 6th Edition due to the upcoming ASHRAE 62-2-2010 in early 2013. They have provided additional information in the new 6th Edition on page 246, which explains some of the different calculations that are needed to ensure proper indoor air quality.
We wanted to ensure that the traditional “N” Factor was readily accessible during this transition due it’s high level of importance. Remember from our classes, that the exact same house; with the same volume, blower door readings and number of occupants can have very different resulting Natural Air Changes per Hour (NACH), Building Airflow Standards (BAS) & Building Tightness Limits (BTL). Please ensure that this is incorporated in every home energy analysis that you perform, to ensure proper indoor air quality and occupant health & safety. Please check for announcements of the implementation of ASHRAE 62-2-2010.
The “N” Factor