REM/Design Computer Modeling Software

Available upon request. Please call Mark Rixson, EETCKC Training Director, at (913) 991-7992 to schedule a class for yourself as an individual, your business, or your agency

Building information entry, utilities, libraries, all available reports, review of homework building entries, improvement analysis, and scope writing necessary for incentive programs.
REM/Design is a residential building auditing software program, created by Architectural Energy.  It’s application is an invaluable aid for auditors in making energy efficiency improvement recommendations and predicting energy savings for their customers.
A free 60-day trial version of the software is available for use during training and $75.00 off of software upon completion of course.  This class can be also be arranged as an evening or Saturday class upon request

7.5 CEUs

**A minimum of 4 students is required to hold class**

REM/Design Computer Modeling Software – $150