CAZ Combustion Appliance Zone

Combustion Appliance Zone – CAZ Training

This training is designed to provide supplemental training to RESNET certified auditors with no CAZ (Combustion Appliance Zone) or proper furnace training.  This course covers all aspects of the safety testing for all combustion appliances (i.e. water heaters, furnaces, ovens/ranges) including proper flue drafting, spillage, backdrafting, CO levels, heat rise, fan on/off temps, meter clocking, duct sealing and thorough visual inspections.  This is all done under “Worse Case Depressurization”, which in itself has numerous procedures to be followed.  ALL energy auditors are required this training to be involved in most rebate and incentive programs.

Please call Mark Rixson, EETCKC Training Director, at (913) 991-7992 to schedule a class for yourself as an individual, your business, or agency.

**A minimum of four students is required to hold class**

2.75 CEUs

Combustion Appliance Zone – CAZ Training – $150